Society rules versus proof of vaccination, etc., for attending events.

“… Regarding Proof of Vaccinations [etc.] of Attendees at Society Events” on April 23, 2021.
Critical portion:
“The Board, President, and Society Seneschal are agreed that Kingdoms, and all groups below Kingdom status, shall only be permitted to request proof of vaccination, a negative COVID test, or temperature checks where required by federal, provincial, state, or local laws. No variances will be granted that do not comply with this interpretation.”

SCA and EK will resume in-person activities on June 1, 2021, with restrictions & clarifications.

Reminder – click on this announcement’s title if the formatting below is poor.

Key changes that may not have made it to the links below:
1) pre-registration is required by BoD.
2) Medical info cannot be discussed; specifically:
” **The Board of Directors** has indicated that they will not allow anything that requires any sort of communication of medical information, whether vaccinations or negative COVID tests. Should such be required by a site owner or local government, we would have to revisit, and event organizers should contact (” Thus section three of EK’s guidelines is now: “3. At this time, the Board of Directors at this time the Board has indicated that they will not allow anything that requires any sort of communication of medical information. This means that vaccines and negative COVID tests are off the table. Should a site owner or local government require something like this, we’d have to revisit it for a variance from the Society Seneschal; please email the Kingdom Seneschal. If the Board’s position changes, these guidelines will be updated. We can follow CDC guidelines in addition to state/local public health policy.” and a bulleted paragraph was deleted.
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Details at these links:
EK resumption: ( .
BoD: ( .